NI Water This Summer!

Summer holidays are well underway, and it’s important that we all stay hydrated while enjoying the free time and the better weather as best we can. Drinking a little more water every day really can have positive results!
Water helps to reduce the risk of tiredness, increases concentration and vitality, and improves memory. It also helps with healthy skin, bones, hair and nails as well as providing extra energy.
NI Water’s Environmental Education Officer, Pat McCauley, comments, “One of NI Water's major initiatives is 'Water for Health', which is aimed at raising awareness of the importance of drinking water as part of a healthy lifestyle.
‘‘We all tend to get outside a bit more over the summer, whether it’s to work in the garden, get some DIY completed or just to enjoy ourselves. Whatever we do, we should make sure we’re well hydrated.
‘‘It’s particularly important for children and young people to stay topped up with water, especially if they’re outside more often and being more active.
‘‘All of us ‘run’ on water every day, so it is important we don’t neglect our wellbeing by allowing ourselves to become dehydrated.’’
Water is a basic nutrient of the body and is essential for survival. It is essential to keep your body well hydrated, flush toxins from your system whilst retaining vital vitamins and minerals. Water forms a major part of our blood (approximately 82%), lubricates joints, eyes, aids digestion and helps you look better by keeping skin smooth.
NI Water's aim is to raise awareness of the value of high quality tap water and the associated health benefits from drinking tap water. The 'Water for Health' initiative encourages us to keep hydrated by drinking the recommended daily amount of water.
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